So, all-in-all, I really liked Hetalia-day, und all the cosplayers were fantastic! It was indeed fun, but a few tips would be-
- If you don't want to look like an idiot, I suggest you cosplay, because if you don't, the cosplayers want pretty much nothing to do with you, und note that MOST of the people there ARE cosplaying. But I never said that you could not hug them still!
- Since most people don't know your OC ( If you have one, ) It would be a smart idea just to go as a Hetalia character instead of your own.. But it would be fun to have a Hetalia OC day, wouldn't it? Maybe I'll host one of those someday~
- Try to be as in-character as possible! If you act flat, or anti-social, what's the point in coming at all?! Just to look at the other cosplayers? YOU CAN DO THAT ONLINE, DUDE.
Sadly, I didn't put much thought into my cosplay, because I didn't even know the event was going to be held anywhere nearby until like, 23 hours before. FEDEX UND UPS DOES NOT SHIP THAT FAST.
But as I said, Hetalia day is fun, cosplaying or not! Und next year, I'll be ready to go again, cosplay und ALL!
Schatten Vergissmeinnicht
OC: Widow
- Try to be as in-character as possible! If you act flat, or anti-social, what's the point in coming at all?! Just to look at the other cosplayers? YOU CAN DO THAT ONLINE, DUDE.
Sadly, I didn't put much thought into my cosplay, because I didn't even know the event was going to be held anywhere nearby until like, 23 hours before. FEDEX UND UPS DOES NOT SHIP THAT FAST.
But as I said, Hetalia day is fun, cosplaying or not! Und next year, I'll be ready to go again, cosplay und ALL!
Schatten Vergissmeinnicht
OC: Widow